If sex can be changed at the stroke of a pen, we undermine the very concept of biological truth and fairness.
Undermining biological truth is the mission of gender ideology.
The LGBTQI+ political infrastructure of today is being used to drive body dissociation toward human symbiosis with AI, which Silicon Valley has been promising us since the early 2000s.
Children are being groomed for industrial body dissociation, to think of their wholly sexed anatomy as commodities (interchangeable breasts, penises, chromosomes, hormones, vaginas, gametes, etc.) for the commercial industry of technological reproduction, which will bring us closer to a complete melding with machines. The children are essential to get on board for changing our perceptions of ourselves as a binary-sexed species so that technology can overtake the reproductive capacities of humanity toward this union.
All the harms manifesting out of gender ideology are downstream of the concept being forced on society, through tyrannically compelled language that there is another type of being that is beyond male and female. Contrary to popular thought, this is not about anyone having body dysphoria, or a special identity, or protections for people who are same-sex attracted. It is a virtual reality being constructed out of institutionalized language that deconstructs what it means to be a human, as we now think of ourselves.
This is the entire point of gender ideology; to deconstruct the way humanity thinks of itself. Children are ground zero for this indoctrination. Gender ideology - the ideology promoting industrial body dissociation - has been institutionalized in children’s health curriculums in schools, their libraries, TV programming, social media, and presents wherever children are in the culture. Changing children’s perceptions of themselves as whole, biologically sexed systems, is what gender ideology does. Many, having been sterilized after adopting synthetic sex identities, will be reduced to future consumers of technological reproduction if they desire children of their own. They also become willing commodities, as they freeze their eggs and sperm for future technological reproduction in anticipation of sterilization through medical harm. The commercial transactions of surrogacy, using women’s wombs as gestation devices will also be important to an industry sterilizing young people. Participation in macabre rituals of medical castration, believing they can mix and match parts of their anatomy, toward a transcendence from flesh, molds them as consumers and to see themselves as the commodities.
CRISPR, gene-editing technology, now allows us to genetically alter human beings. Future humans must be prepared for this reality, and the gender industry is successfully brainwashing children for this experience. Since the technology is already upon us, the grooming has gone into overdrive which is why we (and especially children) can’t get away from the narrative that there is suddenly a new type of person who transcends the borders of our sexed reality via medical technology.
We are at the beginning of more extreme changes to humanity than we have ever seen before. AI-human interfacing, genetic engineering, and technological reproduction are poised to rapidly change our species. Social adjustments like language adaptions that deconstruct the sex binary, erase women in law, that deconstruct women’s sexual boundaries, single sex sports and safe spaces, are all underway to accommodate these new technologies. They are meant to adapt our perceptions of ourselves to a lack of sexual boundaries. At the human reproductive front of emerging technologies, this is what gender ideology is meant to do.
In the deconstruction of the human reproductive system, like with the deconstruction of human bodily integrity in general, the commodities of these efforts will need legal adaptions. These developing legal adaptions, work in sync with concurrently advancing legal framework for AI. Gender ideology markets mix and match reproductive anatomy, eggs, sperm, wombs, hormones, and babies become commodities that must be legally protected in commercial transactions. Likewise, there is growing legal structure for AI protections - mostly on the side of protecting humans from AI infringement of our data. As AI grows in strength, the landscape will change to protect them - and/or - the people who are connected to them via human/AI interfacing.
Gender ideology, which seeks to erase the sex binary, grooming us for technological reproduction, also serves the process of building AI that is more efficient. An example reported by Reuters, about Amazon’s attempts to hire the most qualified applicants for a job, by using AI, became a failed experiment in 2015 - just around the time gender ideology started sweeping across America at rocket speed. Amazon's computer models were trained to vet applicants by observing patterns in resumes submitted to the company over a 10-year period. Most came from men, a reflection of male dominance across the tech industry. Amazon's system taught itself that male candidates were preferable. Amazon’s AI, attempting to get the most qualified from a pool of applicants, recognized women and erased them from the running. It seems that if there are men and women who exhibit any traditional sex specific behaviors, AI is going to have problems with sexism. Better perhaps, to do away with the sex binary to serve the technology and the corporations using them. Ditto for race, ethnicity, religion, etc.
Robots (AI) are being made that look, feel, talk, and think like humans. Robots being sold for sexual interactions are being made to look and feel like humans, cultivating our bonding emotions for machines (more than our current intimate relationship with technology). Some in the tech arena believe that AI will become superior to humans, smarter, stronger, and faster than “biological people.” While this may be unrealistic, and certainly the planet is already resisting the ravaging of her resources and may be reluctant to give up more for this technological surge, this is the pursuit. No one in Silicon Valley has sought to hide this from us.
Understanding that the reconfiguration of ourselves as a sexually dimorphic species - and especially the perceptions of children - for a technological usurpation of human reproduction is underway, is difficult. This process of grooming has been attached to the human rights political apparatus for people who are same-sex attracted. All the messages and propaganda tell us that these changes are for a marginalized sexual identity, when in fact this ideology deconstructs the sex binary, upon which same sex attraction exists.
Will AI robots that look and move, talk and think similarly to us, walking around and working in the world need their own rights? Their rights may not be in complete accordance with human rights. They won’t be male or female in the biological sense, even if they are molded to look like us so that our empathy will be conditioned toward them. Some robots are already “assigned a sex.” Will these entities if assigned a male sex have the right to be in a women’s space, if built to resemble men? Will it think like a man, as with Amazon AI? Will it sexually objectify women, if the data to build it is taken from a sexist society?
International corporations, governments, banks, and capital asset management firms are not changing laws based on biological reality, and disrupting western cultures, in effort to make a few people with identity issues happy. They are not doing it because children are suddenly presenting in droves feeling like they’ve been born in the wrong body. This is a preposterous notion at best. What is not preposterous is that rights for augmented humans are already underway in Chile. These developing neuro-rights separate the data of a person’s mind from the human rights of their entire bodily integrity.
In most all of my posts and interviews, I speak about Martine Rothblatt, a pivotal character in the development of legal structure for AI as people, as well as what are called “gender rights,” the right to dissociate from the body. He is more important than people have so far been able to embrace. He calls himself a transsexual-transhumanist and has appropriated simulacrums of women’s biology. Rothblatt is the key figure behind the development of laws for AI in America, as well as the ethics involved in genetic engineering. He believes that AI is human without flesh and, along with having built a robot of his wife, has written and lectured widely about transcending our sexed reality, and ultimately our humanity, with technology.
Rothblatt, who has worked for NASA, and co-founded Sirius XM satellite radio, has worked on the human genome project at the UN level developing an ethics-based approach for the cyborgs that are already evolving. He has long argued theoretically for AI rights, has created a technological cult religion, Terasem, and created the ideology of gender which children and young people are currently adopting through mass indoctrination. He, along with other transvestite lawyers created legal structure for those wishing to transcend biological, sexed reality in the early 1990s. As a renowned figure in the fields of medicine, bio-technology, genetic engineering, AI technologies, surveillance technology, and virtual realities, he has captured the respect of many of his peers. Responding to the question “What kind of reactions will people have to virtual beings?” in a 2014 interview for Technology Review, he responded, “The reactions I get tell me discrimination is going to be inevitable. People say, ‘I don’t care how sophisticated it is—it will never have the same humanity as flesh.’ It’s very, very reminiscent of countless other examples of repression. When slavery was common in the 19th century, it was said that black people did not have the same kind of consciousness as white people. That was a mainstream point of view. This echoes Rothblatt’s thesis in Sexual Apartheid, published in 1995, in which he called for the deconstruction of the sex binary, and likened our material reality of sexual dimorphism to South African Apartheid.
This language also mimics the language of the White House Blueprint For An AI Bill Of Rights:
“You should not face discrimination by algorithms and systems should be used and designed in an equitable way. Algorithmic discrimination occurs when automated systems contribute to unjustified different treatment or impacts disfavoring people based on their race, color, ethnicity, sex (including pregnancy, childbirth, and related medical conditions, gender identity, intersex status, and sexual orientation), religion, age, national origin, disability, veteran status, genetic information, or any other classification protected by law.”
Human attachment to racial, cultural, national, and sexual identity, is framed as “identity politics.” Our identities are being queered (deconstructed) with corporate mandates to do away with identity at every level, to smooth out differences, as opposed to adjusting to difference, to cure the same problems that Amazon faced with its AI. This is nothing more than a complete colonization of humanity, a destruction of boundaries toward a melding with AI.
The Trevor Project, a gender ideology indoctrination camp for vulnerable children, posing as help for suicidal LGBTQI+ youth, has been funded $1.5M by Google, one of the first transhumanist companies, specifically for an AI platform. Ray Kurzweil of Google, famous for his speculations about a coming singularity and a melding of humanity with AI, mentored and inspired Martine Rothblatt.
Tim Gill of the Gill Foundation, one of the most important LGBT NGOs in the US, is founder of the computer software corporation, Quark Press. He sold his stock to start the Gill Foundation and has helped drive gender ideology, which deconstructs the sex binary, into our intuitions and cultures with billions of dollars. He is now invested in home AI systems. Together with his husband, Scott Miller, they are the largest funders of gay rights [queer culture] in the US.
Miller was appointed US Ambassador to Switzerland and Lichtenstein in 2021, under President Biden, who carried over strong policy implementation for those seeking to disown their sexed reality from his predecessor, Obama. On January 1, 2022, Switzerland implemented a new effective and simplified gender [sex] change recognition process based on self-determination. No divorce, surgery, or medical conditions required for individuals. It allows the change between the female and male gender [sex]; nonbinary genders [sex] are not recognized in Swiss law. Belgium, Denmark, Iceland, Ireland, Malta and Norway have similar legislation.
Until the end of 2021, Swiss laws only allowed people wishing to disavow their sexed reality to change their officially registered sex through judicial proceedings. Not inconsequentially, Gill and husband Miller, are invested in new reproductive technologies.
As well as being a major pharmaceutical hub, Switzerland is known as the Silicon Valley of Robotics, and the Greater Zurich Area is a leader in robotics, computer vision, and artificial intelligence.
The trajectory of appointing US ambassadors to countries not yet fully on board with gender [sex] self ID, to strong arm them into change their laws to accommodate this rejection of biological reality, is a recurring one under the Pharma and Silicon Valley- backed democratic party.
Miller’s appointment to Switzerland mirrors former Mayor of Chicago, Rahm Emanuel’s U.S. Ambassadorship in Japan, also selected under Biden. From 2008-2010, Emanuel served as Obama’s Chief of Staff. Obama was raised out of obscurity by the Billionaire Pritzker family, with whom Rahm Emanuel has very close political ties, and who have spread gender ideology through the US, and Canada, while having close ties to Israel. Japan has never had a cultural understanding of what Americans call transgenderism outside of it being a mental disorder but is now inching toward gender self ID. As I’ve written before, the Pritzker family is deeply invested in advanced medical technologies and are driving gender ideology into grade schools with a curriculum funded by major technology corporations.
In 2020, JB Pritzker, Governor of Illinois, made a bold move by sanctioning $230 million in AI funding, aiming to position Illinois at the forefront of the next generation of scientific and technological breakthroughs.
David Pressman, appointed as US Ambassador to Hungary by Joe Biden, is not having as much luck in Hungary, where Prime Minister, Viktor Orban, is not cozying up to LGBTQI+ ideology. An avid Trump supporter, Orban’s support for Trump sits badly with Pressman, a member of the LGBTQI+, as reported in Politico in July 2024. Pressman pressured the Hungarian community, referencing a joint statement from 35 countries that expressed “serious concern about the targeting of LGBTQI+ people in Hungary, and called for the government to eliminate its discriminatory laws, policies, and practices,” during a Pride parade in Budapest, in June 2024.
With a body-denying ideology tied to a civil rights structure for same sex attracted individuals, to drive a technological dystopia, we are all in deep seas and treading water. But if we can let go of our illusions that this is somehow a benevolent movement for the marginalized and arm ourselves with information about how this tyrannical force is operating, we can devise creative ways to resist it. There is no choice; we must.
Author and Journalist, Jennifer Bilek, has been researching the money and power behind the gender industry for over a decade. Her work can be found in myriad publications, on her blog, on Twitter, Gettr, LinkedIn, Spinster.xyz, at this Substack, and in her new book: Transsexual Transgender Transhuman/Dispatches from the 11th Hour.
You can purchase my book at Spinifex Press in Australia, order from your local bookstore, or on Amazon US, UK, Germany, Ireland, and Canada, where it is already trending #1 on in LGBTQ+ Demographic Studies new releases. Please leave reviews if you appreciate the research. You may also support my work with a one off donation, which are always appreciated, or by purchasing a subscription to my substack.
Excellent and incisive, Jennifer Bilek! You certainly pull it all together here! Thank you once again!