Dec 10, 2022·edited Dec 10, 2022

There is definitely a coordinated push to label the trans discussion as a left/right issue. The fact is that the trans lobby may be part of the left, but it does not own the left.

TERFs are radical feminists. And, radical feminists were never conservative. Conservatives don't like feminists at all, let alone the radical feminists. Those radical feminists come from the left. They remain part of the left no matter how much the TRAs state otherwise. Feminists rightfully call the invasion of female spaces and erasure of the meaning of womanhood by TRAs what it is: regressive, sexist misogyny.

Increasingly, we also hear complaints about gender coming from LGB folks. Lesbians are increasingly vocal about straight trans women insisting lesbians accept them in their dating pool. The lesbians aren't interested in "chicks with dicks." Lesbians rightfully call this trans behavior what it is: homophobic.

There is also a lobby of folks who like to live in scientific reality. These include academics, biologists, medical students, and atheists. They dislike being intimidated. They dislike being silenced. They dislike the infection of our culture with ridiculous nonsense like pronoun declarations. They dislike the nonsense claims that "sex is binary," "sex is a social construct," "sex is a spectrum," "trans women ARE women," and "women are whoever identifies as a woman." No.

The groups opposing gender ideology are diverse. The supporters from the left shouldn't be mislabeled as coming from the right. That makes our entire argument easier to dismiss. "Only right-wing transphobes have a problem with gender. We can ignore them outright." No. The gender critical is a broad movement that's supported beyond just conservatives.

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Dec 11, 2022Liked by Jennifer Bilek

It is imperative that this analysis and research by Jennifer Bilek reaches a broad audience. Parents, and grandparents, mothers and grandmothers, teachers and affected professionsls are floundering as they witness the trans juggernaut capturing and destroying younger generations. Without this crucial context, they lack effective means of resistance. Thank you as always Jennifer.

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I could not agree more Jennifer. Really well analyzed and argued. I've only come to this topic seriously in the last few months, having spent most of my adult life deeply studying the Western propaganda operations related primarily to justifying and obscuring our illegal immoral counter-insurgency wars and regime-change wars around the globe.

One thing that area of research has made quite clear to me is the following. If all of Academia, all MSM, all of the Corporate world, all the big NGO's, and all Western governments are - ALL SINGING THE SAME SONG IN UNISON - you can damn well bet you're being lied to and gaslighted with a well coordinated propaganda operation. When that propaganda "song" literally flies in the face of material reality - well, as they say "this isn't rocket science." As you pointed out, to believe these entities somehow care about a small marginal group of people - when they clearly care nothing about the welfare of humanity as a whole - one has to have drank a whole lot of post-modern kool-aid.

I really appreciate your macro or "big-picture" approach to thinking about these issues. It is critical to really understanding where this is all going and why it is being promoted from within virtually all Western institutional structures. Thank you for your work.

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thank you Jennifer Bilek, you are the best source of analysis on this issue and I love that you keep your content free. <3

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Dec 28, 2022Liked by Jennifer Bilek

you are amazing. thank you so much for the depth and bravery of your research.

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I’m a working class woman of boomer age, raised by Democratic parents, a liberal although now I would say I’m socialist. And not the DSA variety who can’t seem to accomplish diddly squat for workers; not even sick leave for railroad workers. I support gay marriage and enjoy a good drag queen performance.

But I cannot support the trans agenda being crammed down our throat every where we turn. At first I thought maybe I was just becoming a cranky old fart, but when I learned how the agenda was being pushed in schools....decided I was a sane old fart. :-)

Not all kids are comfortable in their bodies and more than a few have a tough time in adolescence. But isn’t the best thing we can do for these kids is helping them become comfortable in their own skin? To see the their own worth as they move into adulthood? Hormone therapy started in adolescence impacts the maturation of all body systems, not just reproductive, and not in a good way. All I can say about surgery is even the best plastic surgeons can’t fool Mother Nature.

I live in a conservative area with lots of evangelical Christians. Usually these people drive me nuts, but they do serve to slow down school efforts to push the trans gender agenda. And no drag queen story hours at local libraries. It does seem their attitudes toward gays and gay marriage are becoming much more tolerant, especially among younger adults.

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While I agree 99% with what you wrote here, I think it is important to acknowledge that aberrant BIOLOGICAL processes during gestation can leave (a few--far less than 1%) men feeling as if they are really women when their bodies and gonads are male. After all, all male fetuses start out female, and it is numerous hormone washes during the process that eventually result in a male child. This is not a "mental illness" on their part. This even more rarely happens to a female infant--the processes are different. That being said, most male children who have this happen to them eventually decide to live as men despite struggling with it as children (80%). What this means is that all people of good will should recognize that being "trans" does exist and is not some woke plot, but we should also recognize that what is going on now is a mass psychosis that has no basis in biological fact. No teen girl suddenly decides she is "trans." There are not masses of mistreated trans people whose rights are being violated. And kindergartners do not need to be instructed that being trans is one of their life choices.

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Long article.

I can make it short.


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I just want to say how glad I am to see this pushback at the 'gender identity" movement. I've been astonished at how many people more than smart enough to know better have been suckered into the vast edifice of lies around this sick and destructive movement, though it's not surprising what with the amount of money going to pharma from the McGender franchises and to for-profit medicine from the Surgery King franchises.

I worry, and I mean a worry a LOT, that non-Republican parents are going to vote for Republicans next year just to protect their children from the surgeons.

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"Our sex is being commodified, reduced to parts, toward this end. This occurs via the normalization of the male sexual fetish of transsexualism being promoted corporately and the appropriation of medical, synthetic simulacrums of women’s wholly sexed humanity"

This is just feminist vomit. You have left out the FTM side of the equation (who now make up the majority of transitioners) in order to define women uniquely as the helpless victims (with no agency) and men as the evil perpetrators (with full agency). You are basically saying "it's all men's fault and women have played no part in it". This is simply not true.

Watch the videos of depraved 'drag'/ fetish acts now being performed in front of children in schools and libraries. The performers might be male (some are women), but the rooms are full of women, whooping and cheering. They are the child abusers. The handful of performers are just enjoying the lifting of the social taboo which has allowed them to perform in front of kids. It is almost exclusively women who have lifted that taboo. By defining women as the default victims you are ensuring women cannot even conceive that they might actually be the cause of this insanity, and therefore have the power to stop it. In every culture women are the primary enforcers of moral standards and social conventions, especially when it comes to sex/ gender/ sexuality etc.

What you're doing is the standard feminist tactic of denying women's power (and responsibility) on some grave social issue, so you can milk the situation for female victimhood points (ahh, that sweet nectar!)

"The wares this industry traffics in are uteruses, sperm, ovaries, eggs, and synthetic facsimiles of penises, breasts, and vaginas"

It was feminism that first introduced us to the idea that sexual dimorphism, and the natural biological gender roles which emerge from it, is the root cause of all personal and social problems in society.

Feminism's goal was always to 'free' women (and free society) from biology and the horrors of gender that come with it. The feminist goal of 'gender equality' can ONLY be achieved by having a genderless population (transhumanism). That was always to true goal of feminism, as anyone with half a brain could see. The current trans activism is just feminism's latest wave, continuing feminism's work - now with the added tools of cross sex hormones and surgery.

It is nothing particularly 'new'. The 1960's - 1990's era of feminism was all about women embracing a caricature of male identity and male sexuality ('sexual liberation' to 'ladette culture') in combination with The Pill which is basically an endocrine disrupter. This was 'trans lite', and it began the process of detaching of women from feminine orientated lifestyles and aspirations to more masculine (or pseudo masculine) and non binary lifestyles and aspirations. This has provoked the massive decline in women's mental health over the past few decades, and after the peak of ladette culture in the 90's, women became traumatised by their foray into (caricatured) male identity and male sexual behaviour, which resulted in an inability to cope with any kind of sexual flirtation or male/ female social interaction at all (which manifested as campaigns against rape culture, manspreading, the male gaze, cat calling etc).

Many of today's transitioners have admitted (after detransitioning) that they used transition and a non binary/ trans identity as a way to escape the discomfort and trauma of maturing into womanhood with all of the sexual attention and other complexities that come with it. We should not forget that it was FEMINISM that got rid of those 'old fashioned' and 'oppressive' social conventions and demure / gallant models of behaviour and interactions that were set up (by the patriarchy) to protect young women and make the complicated business of socialising and mate selection as a young woman as safe, and enjoyable as possible. Those conventions also protected men from the potential life destroying scenario of sexual intimacy with a young woman (because hormones) followed by female regret the next day and the potential for accusations of coercive seduction or even rape in order to save face.

Feminism wanted a Brave New World, and demanded men give it to them, and so now we have it. And of course now feminists are blaming it all on men and playing the victim of their own ill conceived 'sexually liberated' utopia that has turned into this nightmare.

"There are now international forums promoting these wares, AI facial mapping, genetic screening, remaking of the human body, and lawyering to make all the transactions tidy."

The greatest obstacle faced by the transhumanist technocracy is the family... the very thing feminism has dismantled.

"Women are being systematically reduced, in language and law, to “cervix havers,” “menstruators,” “gestators,” and “bleeders” because they have the lion’s share of responsibility for the reproduction of our species which technocratic elites are attempting to colonize."

What has reduced women to the status of 'cervix havers' has been feminism's rejection of traditional (ie biologically orientated) female identities, such as motherhood, femininity, nurturing instincts etc. According to feminists these identities, roles and lifestyles must not be enjoyed, embraced and celebrated by women (internalised misogyny), or men (belittling women) or society at large (oppressing women by enforcing traditional patriarchal gender roles and identities onto them).

Feminism's war on outdated and oppressive notions of womanhood was always destined to reduce women down to being mere 'cervix havers'. When valuing and celebrating women for their biological function is made taboo ('objectifying women'), women's biology can only be talked about in cold, clinical, biological terms. That's precisely what feminists demanded. Now we have it.

"The male sexual fetish of transsexualism, a compulsion to own female biology for oneself....."

Again this is erasing all the thousands of women aspiring to be men, emulate men, caricature men, invade male only spaces, invade traditionally male occupations, adopt male fashions and in recent years take male hormones and surgically transition to a male identity.

We can't talk about feminism's project for women to colonise masculinity, because men are not allowed to be victims of women's appropriation of THEIR identities, social roles, spaces, occupations, or sexuality. Men can't ever be victims because that's an identity reserved for women .... even if that means we have to disempower all women, by defining women as having no agency and no social power. This is a narrative that drives many young women into the trans cult, under the illusion - thanks to feminism - that the only way to gain agency, social power or self actualisation is to assume the identity and social role (and now the hormones) of a man.

".... has been rebranded to "transgenderism” because a male fetish would be a tough sell to any population."

Transexualism was rebranded transgenderism because transexualism describes changing your outward sexual characteristics (with hormones and surgery), whereas transgenderism describes changing your gender on a whim, as if such a thing was possible.

It was feminism that demanded we all accept that gender was a social construct, and not a product of biology. Feminism IS transgenderism because feminism's social construct theory is the foundation of transgenderism (but not transexualism).

My point is not to bash feminism (although I am happy to). My point is that if you REALLY want to save young people from being chewed up by this transhuman agenda you have to stop using 'trans activism' as YET ANOTHER excuse to frame woman as the helpless victims and men as the evil oppressors.

Blaming men and framing women as the poor helpless victims is so boring and predictable.... and insulting to women, apart from anything.

Gen Z/ Gen A deserve more than that. We put them into this situation. We should drop the identity/ gender politics and just focus on saving the youth from being turned into sterile genderless cyborgs. Nothing else matters.

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“ Transgender" sounds cool and edgy & feels mutinous for teens filled with the rebellious spirit of youth who are clueless about the repercussions of being sterilized by the drugs & surgeries being marketed to them”

Best reason there is for shutting down TikTok.

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Ask the next person you meet who is furiously angry if feelings are ephemeral. Of course they don't last forever, or we wouldn't survive. That doesn't mean they don't have a basis in biology. And yes they can be measured, and we know precisely which part of the reptilian brain produces which emotions. This is just basic biology.

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