Superb essay. Just reading about that movie gives me the creeps.

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Interesting. I will not be watching this movie. There's an error in the review: Hans Zimmer obviously hasn't won the Academy Award 55 times. He has won it twice.

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Thank you.

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I was first drawn to Jennifer's work when I noticed that she had called this future out long ago as being part and parcel of the promotion of the "trans-rights" trump the rights of "biological women" agenda. She was spot on.

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Whenever I talk about Bilek’s discovery of the money, the reasoning, and trajectory of the trans movement, although I believe it, it’s just so dang sinister it creeps me out even talking about it. It sounds so nuts but we see it happening right before our eyes.

I have a outlandish conspiracy theory: what if there’s also already a SUPER DUPER smart sentient AI that’s manipulating the powers at large into pushing the “trans” issues along with all of the anti-carbon(anti-human) policies? We would never know... that’s the thing about sentient AI, once it’s there, we might never know until it’s had humans destroy themselves.

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It sounds nuts to me, too. It creeps me out, as well. I always check to see if I am reading into things. But money trails don't lie, especially when they substantiate exactly what these power players tell us with their mouths.

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Is it stoppable? Is there any turning back? Why is the activism always so powerful on the pro-tyranny side? Heck, even Kaiser Permanente refers to pregnant women as “birthing individuals” in their pregnancy classes…. I listened to an account the other day in which a lady took her two boys in for a checkup to a large hospital chain and the first thing the pediatrician asked her 7 and 9 year old boys was “what’s your gender?” It’s incredibly tough on the psyche and especially a young developing psyche to be told by authorities that reality isn’t real.

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I suggest that The World Economic Forum and The United Nations with their Agenda 2030 is plowing ahead very quickly to depopulate the planet, create control of every aspect of our lives = zero privacy, digitize all money, track everything we do 24/7...it seems inevitable to me that AI will take over. These plans have been in the works for decades and over 193 nations have signed on to it all. Buckle up.

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This "movement" has gotten all of its momentum by operating in open contempt of the public and the democratic process—through "no debate" and backroom policy-making under cover of massive censorship. "Trans rights" have gone to the ballot box only once in the entire history of the world—in Chile in 2022, where the public so overwhelmingly hated this incursion that they voted 62-38 to throw out an entire new proposed constitution that had been overwhelmingly popular (expected to pass by almost 70-30) until the TRAs got their dirty hands on it, hoping nobody would notice the self-ID and erasure of safeguarding of Women and children snuck in at the last minute. Well, people noticed all right—and saying ¡NO! to the trans insanity was important enough that the electorate chose to preserve the 1980 constitution passed under the hated despot Augusto Pinochet instead.

Again, the trans pestilence has not seen a ballot anywhere else in the world, quite obviously by design.

Any movement that depends so utterly on operating in the shadows of the law, ramming through ghastly and enormously unpopular policy in secret, needs to be fought through all channels—including its own territory of extrajudicial action. To that end, as a potential juror I will NEVER vote to convict anyone on trial for acts of vigilantism against the genderist or transhumanist cult, and I hope enough of us feel the same.

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interesting, that in an "advanced" future, where we are supposedly all the same, and "everything has changed" all the old patriarchial markers remain unchanged, prostitution, the witch (and the witch hunt), the male gaze, the insignificance of the female biography, the black and white thinking, the himpathy..

Coicidentally i tried to watch blade runner yesterday. I couldnt. It was too boring and at the same time insultingly shallow.

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Reading this, it becomes clear how films are used to make the unacceptable seem acceptable, and to a mass audience. Martine Rothblatt must be so pleased - it didn't take long for the normalisation of synthetic sex identities to be followed by the normalisation of post humans. It's so sinister.

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God help us. The current crop of film makers deserve to have no one watching their propaganda !! Hope they tank at the box office !! Hopefully ,the majority of humans will see what this is and remain in the real world. Reality and Truth matters !!. Thanks , Jennifer ,for exposing the darkness of this dystopian nightmare that these demonic people are planning for us. "Crimes against humanity" doesn't begin to cover this horror !! 😭😱🤮X

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Thank you Jennifer for promoting an excellent article on this Sci Fi Nightmare issue that still gets insufficient attention.. how low can we go? [pretty darn low when there is a buck to be made] Hollywood sells the oh so seductive AI image LIE [machines are our servants not our masters, that includes every AI that will ever be built] and the Ruthless, Completely Immoral Medical Industrial complex Roars into action with its exciting New AI Trans/division just another vertical market with a multi-Billion dollar profit potential is all the Execs see.. chopping up teens no biggy..

Seducing and addicting with Big Tech then Mutilating our young with the MIC... then we ship off whats left of them to endless Wars via the Military/Industrial/Congressional complex.. with an assist by AI..

Sounds like Hell doesn't it? This is what we get when Predatory Corporations[ they are Not people] take over a nation.. We Can Change it... hard work but it Can Be Done..

First we have to elect a truly Moral and Ethical leader..like say .. RFK Jr.. his life has been one of defeating Irresponsible Corporations in American Courts.. I say give him a chance...

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Jeez...it's almost a perfect representation of the male human's all-consuming womb envy. The introduction and use of AI to create humanoid characters speaks to men's own dehumanization under patriarchy. In a healthy functioning social framework, the divine masculine complements the divine feminine in creating, nurturing, providing for and protecting new life. This patriarchal dominance and control paradigm is destroying the cooperative, collaborative values that enabled us to survive. No species can survive by exploiting and abusing the female half. Nor can it survive by creating a fake substitute. I hope men wake up and see how their soul and spirit has been stripped from them because they could not do to women what they do if they hadn't first been traumatized by the culture first. Both men and women must reclaimvtheir humanity before it's too late and the dark forces make us completely insane.

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Sounds like this film is disturbing in so many ways. Talk about AI propaganda. Yikes.

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dance of the inadequate men, all patting one another's rear ends.....

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When sci fi raised the issue of the "humanity" of robots etc decades ago,, it was in the context of countering the dehaminising of enemies by nations, as if they were sub humans, semi machines, oriental hordes etc. I think this can still apply in some novels/films. However another theme, particularly aimed at children was super humans, or mutants. And I think this is what a lot of people involved in transhumance have latched onto. Some writers seem to also incorporated a Eugenics agenda of better beings replacing humans. This is were the reactionary stuff, in my eyes, comes from.

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I’m curious if you also object to the character Data in Star Trek: The Next Generation? Or the Emergency Medical Hologram doctor in Star Trek: Voyager? Both are “nice” AIs. (Well, the EMH doctor doesn’t always have the best bedside manner...)

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Yes, this is a valid question. Both of these AIs have storylines involving "evil", though. Data has a "brother", Lore, who is evil and was rejected by their creator, Dr Soong, but Data restores Lore who then wreaks havoc. And the EMH (emergency medical hologram) is re-programmed by aliens to behave in an evil way toward the crew of Voyager. One could draw the moral that, because AIs are programmable (by others or by themselves), they carry an inherent risk of acting evilly toward humans. But humans can act evilly too, and are susceptible to manipulation by others.

For me, the argument against AIs is not based on whether they are "people" or not, but instead that they could potentially be far more powerful than humans, and make of us an underclass (as shown in the Matrix).

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one not to watch.

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Real women are to be replaced by sex bots. It’s Dark Enlightenment shit, coming from the fever dreams of autogynephile tech bros.

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For anyone who has not been watching specific films that have been predicting much of where we already are and will be going widespread quickly, Hollywood has been telling us for years so much truth about 'the future'. But 'the future' is now and within the next 2-3 years changes so big you may want to catch up with some storytelling like Alex Garland's Ex Machina while you can. The more we know, the more our brains can adjust.

That same director is soon coming out (Feb 2024) with a possible scenario that he envisions could take place in the United States. He literally has titled it, Civil War.

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