This is absolutely brilliant! Thank you for all that you do.
I would just add that vaccines appear to cause the endocrine disruption that leads to sex dysphoria that we now call "trans". There are almost no trans people who are unvaccinated. The reason we see high trans prevalence in the military (including Jennifer [James] Pritzker and Chelsea Manning) is because they are among the most overvaccinated people on Earth. The social contagion comes later, after people are already experiencing endocrine disruption as a result of vaccine injury (and harm from other toxicants). If this theory is correct then high trans prevalence will continue as long as we keep pumping 84+ vaccines into kids in the first 18 years of life. By the same token, trans prevalence will decline if we ban vaccine mandates and significantly reduce the number of shots people receive.
So the alliance between Big Pharma and the astroturf trans movement goes beyond treatments and surgeries. Big Pharma causes sex dysphoria in the first place with its toxic vaccines and then makes even more revenue from a lifetime of trans "medical care".
Harris Coulter was one of the first people to figure this out (in his book, Vaccination, Social Violence, and Criminality). I updated his work based on my research on vaccines and autism. And others (most notably Steve Kirsch and A Midwestern Doctor) have recently contributed to to this conversation as well.
This article represents an enormous amount of research and effort, but I'd like to ask for more. In your writing you use the force-teamed LGBTQ+ variations that the left-wing corporate-owned news keeps promoting. A more honest label is lgbTQIA2SP+ as these organizations have abandoned their LGB roots and now promote male transgender rights above female sex-based rights. The P standing for pedophiles. Using a lowercase lgb indicates their true focus and helps readers understand their functional destruction of women's rights. These groups refuse to support lesbians right to not be harassed by heterosexual males who want to have sex with them. If they give scholarships to young adults, they refuse to include young lesbians, unless of course those lesbians call themselves nonbinary or trans. Their focus, money, miseducation and lobbying all go towards promoting trans rights, which are essentially male transgender rights over females.
So here's my ask:
Please stop using all variations of the LGBT+ label for organizations that hurt lesbians. As the first letter in the acronym, the L stands for same-sex attracted women. But most of these groups perversely consider heterosexual men who call themselves women to be lesbians also. If you start calling the organizations by the label TQIA2SP+, we'll have more success encouraging lesbians, gays and bisexuals to leave those groups. I promise you, lesbians don't want to be painted by the adverse and illegal actions of pedophiles. Once authors like you stop force-teaming the LGB with the rest of the chaos, it'll help lesbians realize they should act on their discomfort with the other members, especially pedophiles, and start creating our own separate groups. It's hard enough when the liberal media continues using the alphabet soup label, but when people like you continue the conflation of homosexuals with gender ideologues, you're further ingraining the damage caused by them gluing themselves to our LGB same-sex marriage rights groups.
We are trying to encourage Republicans in the US to support the rights of lesbians to associate with only other women, and by women I mean adult human females. We know our efforts are working as Trump's executive order written by May Mailman does not tie lesbians to the destruction of transgender ideology. If the Trump administration can do this, so can you. Envision the future with lesbians, gays and bisexuals once again separated from those who are hell bent on destroying the lives of our children and youth. We have children too, and we will fight to the death to protect them.
This is absolutely brilliant! Thank you for all that you do.
I would just add that vaccines appear to cause the endocrine disruption that leads to sex dysphoria that we now call "trans". There are almost no trans people who are unvaccinated. The reason we see high trans prevalence in the military (including Jennifer [James] Pritzker and Chelsea Manning) is because they are among the most overvaccinated people on Earth. The social contagion comes later, after people are already experiencing endocrine disruption as a result of vaccine injury (and harm from other toxicants). If this theory is correct then high trans prevalence will continue as long as we keep pumping 84+ vaccines into kids in the first 18 years of life. By the same token, trans prevalence will decline if we ban vaccine mandates and significantly reduce the number of shots people receive.
So the alliance between Big Pharma and the astroturf trans movement goes beyond treatments and surgeries. Big Pharma causes sex dysphoria in the first place with its toxic vaccines and then makes even more revenue from a lifetime of trans "medical care".
Harris Coulter was one of the first people to figure this out (in his book, Vaccination, Social Violence, and Criminality). I updated his work based on my research on vaccines and autism. And others (most notably Steve Kirsch and A Midwestern Doctor) have recently contributed to to this conversation as well.
This article represents an enormous amount of research and effort, but I'd like to ask for more. In your writing you use the force-teamed LGBTQ+ variations that the left-wing corporate-owned news keeps promoting. A more honest label is lgbTQIA2SP+ as these organizations have abandoned their LGB roots and now promote male transgender rights above female sex-based rights. The P standing for pedophiles. Using a lowercase lgb indicates their true focus and helps readers understand their functional destruction of women's rights. These groups refuse to support lesbians right to not be harassed by heterosexual males who want to have sex with them. If they give scholarships to young adults, they refuse to include young lesbians, unless of course those lesbians call themselves nonbinary or trans. Their focus, money, miseducation and lobbying all go towards promoting trans rights, which are essentially male transgender rights over females.
So here's my ask:
Please stop using all variations of the LGBT+ label for organizations that hurt lesbians. As the first letter in the acronym, the L stands for same-sex attracted women. But most of these groups perversely consider heterosexual men who call themselves women to be lesbians also. If you start calling the organizations by the label TQIA2SP+, we'll have more success encouraging lesbians, gays and bisexuals to leave those groups. I promise you, lesbians don't want to be painted by the adverse and illegal actions of pedophiles. Once authors like you stop force-teaming the LGB with the rest of the chaos, it'll help lesbians realize they should act on their discomfort with the other members, especially pedophiles, and start creating our own separate groups. It's hard enough when the liberal media continues using the alphabet soup label, but when people like you continue the conflation of homosexuals with gender ideologues, you're further ingraining the damage caused by them gluing themselves to our LGB same-sex marriage rights groups.
We are trying to encourage Republicans in the US to support the rights of lesbians to associate with only other women, and by women I mean adult human females. We know our efforts are working as Trump's executive order written by May Mailman does not tie lesbians to the destruction of transgender ideology. If the Trump administration can do this, so can you. Envision the future with lesbians, gays and bisexuals once again separated from those who are hell bent on destroying the lives of our children and youth. We have children too, and we will fight to the death to protect them.
Excellent piece that lays out the foundational issues of this vile movement! Thank you!
Brilliant !! Thanks ,Jennifer.
Great piece, Jennifer.
Will cross post in due course.
Thank you, Dusty!
Cross posted.
Thanks again