Thank you for a wonderful analysis Jennifer. As someone who has spent decades studying Western and U.S. propaganda operations I can't help but find myself in complete disbelief that any of this unfolded "organically," or that it has anything whatsoever to do with "human rights." The history of orchestrated propaganda operations shows quite clearly that whenever the - MSM and most so called 'alternative media,' the corporate world, academia, the big NGO's, Western governments and institutional structures and the medical/pharmaceutical complex - ALL PARROT THE SAME PARTY LINE IN UNISON - one can be quite sure that one is being completely gaslighted as part of a propaganda operation. This appears to be part of a much bigger "agenda" - above the 'pay grade' of we lowly peons.

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I am not a girly girl, never wore makeup, prefer bland, mostly black clothing, etc., but I am disgusted by how women are being erased by ugly caricatures. I loved being pregnant, I loved nursing my babies, I love and cherish my grandchildren. I am WOMAN! No one can steal that away from me. Ever.

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Shared your article on my Republican Town Committee FB page, just waiting for heads to explode. I wrote this commentary on the post: "Remember this: Trans women are NOT women. Say it again. And again. And tell it to your children. Women are women. Men are NOT women, no matter how much their fetish or their mental illness makes them want it to be so." We should all be able to hear the screams from the woke Democrats in Massachusetts over the next couple of days, as the post gets out.

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I'd be hard pressed to find anyone who writes on this topic better than you do. I will be sharing this article in my next Break Free Update.

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Good article, you are very right. In my poor mind I was expected to see oceans of feminists talking, acting about this....or women chains in the streets fighting for their normality, truth, respect and for stopping the abuses....But no, it will not happen... some "feminists" now are busy fighting for others candies, as usual, because the feminism was given a different, distortioned message and purpose long time ago.

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You hit the nail on the head with this post. Good Work.

I add nothing in content but instead encourage your readers to visit Zephaniah.eu to easily download well-resrarched PDF format essays on this subject by Jeremy Paul James. He also writes about the new world order from a biblical point of view. I have his specific permission to give out his web address. Please also check out my occasional posts here on Substack at "This is God's World" by Frederick Burton.

Blessings to all of us who's eyes have been opened to this wickedness.


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Very good in depth explanation of a complex problem.

Which can be sent back to the closest with a simple exercise.

Teach your children what size rocks are appropriate to be thrown.

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According to Anne Lawrence, psychologist, sexologist (and an avowed AGP) who wrote 'Men Trapped in Men's Bodies' (2013), he states in the abstract of this article: Autogynephilia is theorized to be a misdirected form of heterosexuality that usually coexists with ordinary heterosexual attraction to women but also competes with it. Several transsexual informants reported that their autogynephilic feelings seemed to be closely related to their feelings of heterosexual attraction. Erotic desire that informants felt for specific women was often accompanied by the desire to look like or become these women, and the two feelings were sometimes difficult to distinguish. Some informants observed that sexual attraction to a woman could temporarily lessen autogynephilia but that autogynephilia would inevitably return when this attraction lost its novelty. ... https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-1-4614-5182-2_7 Thank you for a great article Jennifer.

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This was beautifully expressed Jennifer thank you so much. I am wondering though where hope might lie? Are there any companies that are already anticipating the turning of the worm and perhaps ready to join the resistance e.g. dropping the "gender speak" from their advertising? Or what possibilities are there for us to organise successful boycotts while promoting new more women friendly companies?

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You are blowing the trumpet to raise the alarm. Don’t give up.

In the book of Genesis, Jehovah promises Abraham a land that is occupied by a people that He isn’t ready to displace because their iniquity is not yet complete. I take that to mean, among other things, they aren’t yet so hopelessly wicked that it is plain to any interested observer their situation is beyond repair. We are rapidly approaching the same point. There is still at least a little time for some to turn and go the other direction.

Humanity is, thankfully, too precious to God to allow the elite fools to prevail.

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Is all of this going to be okay? It feels hopeless.

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