Hi Jennifer,

I love your brainwave on this issue. I think you're spot on that the trans agenda is the transhuman agenda.

There are two factors that need to be included for a deeper understanding of what is happening; I will outline them here and then prepare a more complete article.

I am proceeding from the theory that the background produces the effect in the foreground: that what we witness as visible is the product of what the ground is producing. Generally, we study the noticeable effect rather than the invisible underlying cause. When the underlying cause is present, humanity is susceptible to things that would not ordinarily be possible.

The first factor in gender dysphoria is the rising tide of hormone-disrupting chemicals. This effect was first documented in Silent Spring by Rachel Carson: the failure of eggs of songbirds to hatch was, soon after publication, was discovered by another scientist, Robert Riseborough, to be an endocrine-disrupting effect of DDT.

There are countless thousands of chemicals that do this, most of them containing metals and halogen elements. Think: fluoridation of water an fireproofing of kids clothing and plastic packaging and so on.

Reputable books have been written about this, but except for the occasional mention of “forever chemicals” in the news, it’s a kind of nonissue. The original endocrine disrupting forever chemical is dioxin. This is very closely related to DDT and PCBs, which are ubiquitous in breast milk and throughout the environment.

This hormone chaos is resulting in an underlying gender-disruption effect throughout the natural environment and is impacting humans and our feelings and behavior, all of which are mediated by hormones. So it’s not just propaganda that is creating the trans effect. The ground of natural sex and gender is being ripped out from underneath people. Then the propaganda takes hold, because people feel biologically resonant with what is being said, i.e., "yeah, I feel like that."

The second problem is the digital environment. This is also ubiquitous and surrounds us everywhere. On or offline does not matter; we are under the digital ocean. And in digital, there is no gender. Nobody has a body. We have a vast swath of the population who things that genderless digital eroticism (porn) is sex. There is very likely a biological hormone effect from the electrical fields, as well as exposure to the technology through use and ideation.

In digital, everyone is gender-neutral except for a little public relations dressing. And the experience of the dominant media environment of any time in history spills back into the physical environment, through state of mind and feeling.

There is another issue that plays right in. The intensity of digital media, the warp-speed effect of it all, causes people to recoil and quite often amputate parts themselves. The McLuhans, my teachers, described this as an “extend and amputate” effect. The media environment extends our consciousness, then it's so intense it must be chopped off.

This effect was present somewhat for TV and radio, but digital has driven it into hyperspace. What trans looks like to me, and I think to you, is a whole lot of amputation, secondary to mental and emotional chaos.

But instead of being metaphorical or in mind only (bad enough) people are following through by thinking they will feel better by chopping off their gender. Children, who until puberty can be a little bit dysphoric about gender as they are not oriented on sexual feelings, are suddenly having the ground prepared for them by overexposure to the digital environment, constant exposure to endocrine disruptors, and finally, being pushed over the edge by a propaganda campaign that, in a sense, gives the issue they are facing a name, and what is claimed to be a solution.

We must understand why trans, gender "correction" and all of that, are appealing if we are to understand them at all. The seemingly voluntary aspect of the problem must be grappled with: the sense of choice is the answer to actual experiences and sensations, not merely concepts.

This alleged solution ("gender reassignment") offers the promise of liberation from the binary nature of the body and its intense feelings, choices and responsibilities. It’s a feeling of relief from the deep paradoxes, pain and pleasure of being human in human bodies.

Then, this is meeting up with other agendas that, too, are fed by the same influences.

The McLuhans taught me: when you want to understand what is going on, study the ground. Then you will understand the figure.

— Eric F Coppolino

Sr Producer for Investigations

Pacifica Radio Network - Planet Waves FM


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Thanks for your thoughts, Eric. As per the tech, this is precisely what my work is attempting to get to - it's the sea we swim in. Its exponential growth is also indicative of the fact those building it, never stop to seriously consider the consequences because they are concerned with profits over people. As per the hormone disrupters, though I have no doubt they are poisoning us all with the crap they put into the environment, it does not account for the fact this is not happening at anything near the scale it is happening in Western countries, and nowhere near the level it is happening in America, home of Big Pharma and Silicon Valley. The construct of the "transgender child," is not happening in Africa or India, at all, and forget about the middle aged woman who suddenly takes on a male identity. No, this is driven by money, the porn industry, two generations old now, as it welded to technology, and transhumanist ideology - biophobia. Dissociation is the name of the game, and nothing gets us there like sexual trauma. The LGBT political apparatus, is also perfect cover. I make all the connections in my book. Would love to say more, but I am running out the door. Thank you for engaging.

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Many other countries allow people to experience gender without politicizing it and without monetizing it. However, trans is huge in Thailand and we are unlikely to ever have accurate data. What I am saying that the ground is prepared by these chemical and technological factors, and once that is so, then the seeds can be planted, and the weak can be exploited. But without the ground, the issue cannot grow; it will not take. And as far as I am concerned, people are more naturally gender fluid than they are allowed to express. The false binary that has persisted for so long is an illusion; people are unique individuals. We all possess Venus, Mars and Mercury in infinite configurations.

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Binary is not false. Sorry, dude. Male and female. That’s it. Anything else is an escape from your personal problems.

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I'm curious how you know that, and how you can speak for anyone but yourself.

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First, I believe science is real. XX and XY, nothing else. Second, feelings are fleeting. Third, I was married to a man for 20 years that struggled with his sexual identity for decades. He now lives life as a gay man but it has not been easy for him through any of the struggle. Counseling helped us not a lot. More people should try it.

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“Both” not “not” a lot

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Interesting ideas, but they aren't borne out by real-world observation.

Vietnam vets who were exposed to Agent Orange have incomparably higher peak and aggregate dioxin exposure than anybody else on earth before or since—yet Boomers have never had the elevated rates of "gender dysphoria" or transgender ideation/identity that your model would predict.

Nor have those rates seen any detectable increase since 10 years ago when the mainstream media began the "transgender tipping point" full-court press (thus ruling out the possibility that there ••are•• loads of 'gender dysphoric' Boomers but that most of them stayed closeted through those decades when transsexuality was a much stronger taboo).


Furthermore, boys and Girls grow up in the same ambient environment and are exposed to the same pollutants at the same levels, but the current explosion of socially contagious body dissociation and transsexual ideation is OVERWHELMINGLY among young Women—who were a tiny minority of medical transsexuals from the dawn of transsexual surgery until the early 2010s, but who are now about 90 percent of all medical "transition" patients/victims.

How does your environmental model account for this precipitous social contagion among young Women specifically?

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