I love how you cut through the deception of this pathological movement. Young people are much more vulnerable than most people think. I have two cousins who each have a child that bought into this disastrous mind-fuckery. I believe neither of those young adults has experienced an epiphany like Chloe Cole, however. It's quite sad.

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Thank you. This shit is evil incarnate. I'm so sorry for your cousin's kids - all the kids caught up in this cult. It's tearing families apart and driving kids insane.

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Thank you, Jennifer! Your writings and passion for this continue to amaze and educate. One consolation for me, though still pretty dire, is that the Earth/Mother Nature will reject this movement towards the ultimate dissociation, probably sooner as opposed to later. These evil fools will end up falling into the abyss where they belong. Sadly they want to pull the rest of us and a good part of the remaining natural world in with them. But I'd like to be there to see the surprised look on their faces when they face that final big failure. As to the fate of the living planet, I'm putting my faith in the future into the hands of insects and plants (they don't have hands, but I hope you know what I mean 🙃🙂)

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Yes, they are running out of raw materials for their techno dystopia, so they're working on space colonization. Jeff Bezos has partnered with Martine (aka Martin) Rothblatt to get us into space.

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If only those two would fly off into space together and never return!

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