Well and concisely stated. I am disappointed but not surprised that so few individuals who are absolutely appalled by the trans ideology and its inculcation into children at a very young age are not only afraid to shout their opposition from the rooftops but even bring up the topic with family and friends for fear of being labeled uninformed bigots. Seldom if ever has an ideological movement harmed so many I so short a period of time, thank you very much social media . Jennifer, keep up the good work - hope that your megaphone gets progressively louder and your influence more powerful. 👏👏👏
Yes, military-grade propaganda 24/7! Full-blown attack on biology. They want to plug us into Meta ASAP. Having spoken to many 'detransitioners', I know that many of them are in a very sorry psychological state. When your sexual function is destroyed at a young age - you are missing the most important motivating force in life. Many of them told me that they are waiting for advanced VR. Imaginary life in the matrix is better than real life in a butchered body.
Agh, it's so, so awful. But many are also rising out of the ashes like the mythical phoenix. Hopefully they can create a healing space for others. I just can't believe this shit.
Yes, it's totally awful! And I am glad that some are finding the strength to speak up and share their stories. I hope more of those who are still at the start of their 'gender' journey will listen to those stories because many of those kids are so indoctrinated - they refuse to even consider information outside of their point of view. It reminds me of those films from the 70s when relatives had to kidnap their kids from the cults in order to deprogram them. I think we should start organizing deprogramming camps. I am birthing a retreat for children and parents here in Mexico. An embodiment retreat with breathwork and simple activities in nature, away from technology.
That is vital, vital work. Thank you for doing that. I agree with you completely on the concept of deprogramming camps. The whole medical paradigm for this crap needs to be deconstructed. This is marketing raised to the level of cult indoctrination.
I wondered if you would mind letting me know in what area of Mexico your retreat is? I hope and intend to visit that country in the not too distant future. I tried messaging you but this didn't seem to work ('Page Not Found'); by all means if you don't wish to leave your answer here in the comments, try messaging me? Thanks!
I am located in Puerto Vallarta and at the moment I am trying to organize my first retreat in Tulum area. You can email me at drnataliavolanberg@gmail.com
Yes, totally is! And the beautiful thing about Mexico is that it is at least 50 years behind the Anglosphere. The trans-thing did not catch on here YET. People live closer to nature and the family structure that is so central to the Mexican society has not been destroyed yet like in the West. People go fishing, hiking, swimming together and during those embodied activities one is not struggling to come up with some label to identify AS. So there is hope here and I know some families who moved to Mexico from Canada in order to save their kids from the trans-producing factory.
I am also working on my first pilot course for the parents. Email me if you are interested. I would love to have a chat. Have an amazing weekend! Aloha from Puerto Vallarta!
"Many of them told me that they are waiting for advanced VR. Imaginary life in the matrix is better than real life in a butchered body".
That speaks of terrifyingly fascinating connection, one I had not considered before:
Desexed bodies are more liable to be readily lured into the 'virtual world', the 'metaverse'. ('Virtual reality" is another deliberate misnomer: it isn't reality; it has none of the virtues, or elements, that make reality what it is; and it is nowhere near being like reality, so is not "virtually' reality either).
Desexed beings, having lost a prime motivational source, are also easier to control.
Graham Linehan recently made a simlar kind of connection regarding the promotion of 'asexuality': of course, once all these people have had their sexual instinct and function destroyed, they will need an approved identity that falls under the 'rainbow' umbrella .... so now it is being sold to them.
I write this on the day the idiotically 'gender' co-opted 'Labour' (read: capital) Party seem to have been elected here in the UK (I can't bear to look at the results). (And I write also as someone who has always been on the left, at least until the left stopped listening, thinking, and knowing who and what it was, and was for). I have wept for our women and children today.
You have to channel those feelings or they will eat you up. I try to explain to people that resistance is a love story. Once you find others and organize to resist, those feelings become transformed into positive energy for change and fill you with the love of humanity and life. This is how the parents of Megan Kanka were able to move beyond their grief to action, creating Megan's law in response to the murder of their daughter by a sexual predator.
I hear you. The evil forces have always been after human sexuality, the life force that drives all of us forward. And more broadly, after our health. Their intent is to damage us on all levels. Everything is poisoned = from food to our minds. I am sending you positive vibrations of support and compassion. We need to stand together for humanity. Our very survival is at stake at this point.
I think there is much truth in what you say. One problem is that many people do not believe that evil exists as a force, let alone see it at work in the world. Yet to me there clearly are forces working to attack bonds between humans, and between humans and the environment. I send you support and compassion too.
Thank you. I suppose that there is a lot to be said in terms of the existence of evil and evil forces. I am not attached to wording things in this particular way. All I can say is that there are some people who are ignorant and blind. They live in a bubble and don't know anything. I am not saying this just because =I used to deal with those people a lot, now not so much. As of now, I i have been working as a psychotherapist for about 15 years. I also worked as a teacher, volunteered on a psychological help line in Japan and worked as an interpreter for a human trafficking organization. I have substantial and varied life experience and I have seen things most people wouldn't even believe. The bottom line is that there are bad people who consciously do bad things. I don't have to call them evil, but they hurt other people on purpose. There are people and corporations who hurt people and specifically women and children and hurt them en masse - this is their business strategy. Just listened to Raymond's presentation on the 'Comfort' Women. This topic has been very close to me because I lived in Japan for 5 years and paid close attention to it. So there were thousands upon thousands of women whose lives were destroyed as they were forced into state-organized prostitution. Many of them were raped by 20 men plus per day. Was that evil? I think it's irrelevant what I call it here. The point is that there are people who conspire behind the scenes and they use other people's bodies as resources, as commodities. And this is what we are dealing with now in terms of the transgender capture.
It is a good versus evil fantasy series by DJ MacHale. I was specifically thinking of book 4 "The Reality Bug" where "Embark on a thrilling journey to Veelox, a territory where inhabitants have discovered a way to enter their own personal dream world. But all is not as it seems, and fifteen-year-old Bobby Pendragon must navigate this alternate reality in pursuit of the evil Saint Dane. Can he resist the ultimate escape, or will he fall prey to its lure? Find out in this action-packed adventure that explores the dangers of virtual reality."
Me too, though occasionally there's a sci-fi that I like a little, for its potentially wise lessons. Mostly the Reality Bug sounds positive to me, a good young adult novel with a lesson about VR? Seems good to me. And I hope it ends well!
Mostly at my age I read or listen to non-fiction, politics, feminism, and biographies especially, and of course I read and subscribe on and off to numerous Substacks! Best wishes to all here ❤️
Jennifer, I have been subscribed to your newsletter since I heard your interview with Megyn Kelly. Your work is critically important in this age of delusion and thank you for your courage. I have tried to have conversations with family and friends about the transgender cult that go nowhere. They literally close their ears and the brainwashing is thorough and shocking. How can so many seemingly intelligent and educated adults be pulled into delusion so quickly? The misogyny of the trans movement is so obvious and yet my so-called feminist friends are buying into it.
This is a cult. The media propaganda has been relentless for a decade that this is a human rights movement for the marginalized, and in synchronicity, people are threatened with financial destitution and social isolation if they dare to step out of the boundaries of acceptable discussions about this. People's inherent compassion has been weaponized. It's not just the kids who are in the cult. My advice is to talk to people who are not captured, people who simply need information. The indoctrinated are too intractable and you will wear yourself down trying to help them understand. We need to get information out to the public who just aren't clear about the power and money behind this. Talk to your family about other things. Do not ruin relationships over this.
Jennifer, Thank you for responding to my comment. One family conversation was enough. I no longer bring it up. Same with my deluded friends. And, yes, I find comfort in conversations with like minded people. Thankfully, there are many. I'm hoping that once there are some multi-million dollar lawsuit settlements in favor of de-transitioners this madness will be curtailed. Money talks and this is all about money as you have so brilliantly illustrated.
Take solace, if you can that no one will have the luxury of avoiding the truth for much longer. This has been rolled out with enormous speed and shows no signs of abating, even with lots of resistance. Governor Pritzker just made Illinois a sanctuary state for kids to have their reproductive systems medically assaulted. That happened right after the Cass report, the WPATH files, and the Texas "gender clinic" surgeon who blew the whistle on the clinic there. People will realize their resistance will need to be a lot more forceful because those who want this ideology to be normalized are not stopping.
I’m writing this in the UK, after waking up to the fact that the Labour Party, which is riddled with ‘gender’ insanity, has won a massive landslide, despite the efforts of so many of us to wake people up. We have made slight progress here which will now be quietly undone. I walk around every day wondering why so few people care about this issue. They’re just not interested, even if it is something they’re vaguely aware of…. just not enough to do any research or critical thinking at the very least.
Thank you Jennifer, for your work and I look forward to the film in the hopes that it makes an impact. We need something major to happen that acts as a catalyst.
When someone's income relies on them not getting it, they don't want to investigate because it will interfere with their lives. It's always been this way. We have to persevere in the face of that, because ultimately this will be what makes the difference. Stay the course. We must reclaim the future.
I agree and of course we must keep going. Children and society as a whole depend on our efforts. But I know many retired teachers, none of them is interested and I find that hard to understand or forgive. If everyone just stood up and said no, there be no threat to anyone because they couldnt cancel all of us. But thanks again Jennifer. I always recommend you when I comment on substacks. You are amazing and very much admired over here.
Possibly the clearest, most concise and most powerful summary of your discoveries yet, Jennifer. Please keep doing what you're doing, as far as you can.
Hello Jennifer -- Just started reading this article, but quickly noticed a typo (I think) in the 7th paragraph, where it says "Women are not being erased... " Should it be "Women are being erased..." or "Women are now being erased..."? i.e. remove "not" or change to "now"? I hope this comment is okay with you. I admire you and your work so much -- not a subscriber at this time, I skip around from substack to substack to support as many as I can, based on my budget. So I'll now finish reading the article. Best wishes!
Oh no, I love when people let me know about typos. Except here it is not a typo. It is to read: women are not being erased for.......they are actually being erased because.......does that make sense or does it still seem off?
Sexual lobotomy. They don't want the current or future generations to reproduce naturally. Natural reproduction will be only for the 'elites'. How did we get here? Gradually and then suddenly. Ideologues like Butler have been poisoning the minds close to 3 decades at this point. Who is afraid of Gender? Who is afraid of Judith Butler? 'They' will go on unimpeded until her last breath. What's going to stop her? Prevaricating at 400 000 $ USD a year is not a bad deal. If she was an honest intellectual, she would have paused to think about being burnt in effigy in Brazil. She doesn't care. She poisoned so many minds and just like Marx was - she is a Satanist. They want to upset the natural order of things, they want to queer all the boundaries - men, women, children, adults, animals.
Yes, abducting the children and target the most vulnerable first. A bit of a story. Relevant and contemporary.
A year or so ago I was over in Broome and came across a new organisation at the Sunday Courthouse Markets. A google shows it was established late 2022 with links and funding from what used to be a highly respected Oz AIDS charity.
Now within 2 years, that org, Kimberley Blak Pride, has a high profile and links across Australia.
It was also the first time I heard the phrases "brotherboy" and sistagirl" and only in relation to indigenous people.
Down the road (in Oz miles) from me right now is the registered business address of the Australian Professional Association for Trans Health. It used to be in Melbourne. The Board was a Melbourne Psychiatrist, a QLD doctor and Michelle Telfer. They resigned after 4 years (2023) and a new board appointed comprising 9 people from all over Oz, coinciding with the change of address to Darwin.
Now a deep dive into some of the 9 is an eye opener but hey, this comment is about vulnerable children and Top End Oz has some of the most vulnerable in Australia.
The new address of AUSPATH looks like a room in a Darwin hotel about 50k's from where I am now. it's about 200m from where a flash new building is springing up as a campus within Charles Darwin University. A google doesn't make much of a connection but low and behold, AUSPATH's postal address is now a Charles Darwin University PO box number:
I may be just a lowly construction worker but something suss is happening here and there's big money involved.
It is only months ago I saw a "Sista girl", first time in 50 years of living and working amongst the indigenous that I've seen a cross dresser. Yeah maybe I've not been down Sydney bars but up here is a lot different. What looked like a young man in a dress, makeup, with a group of longrassers (rough sleepers). Yes, ganga and alcohol and hassling us whilst we were completing building repairs late at night.
Now Darwin is not Melbourne. It's hard to describe: The population of the whole of the Northern Territory is only 250,000 people with the highest proportion of indigenous people in Australia. We're fringe dwellers generally.
Well and concisely stated. I am disappointed but not surprised that so few individuals who are absolutely appalled by the trans ideology and its inculcation into children at a very young age are not only afraid to shout their opposition from the rooftops but even bring up the topic with family and friends for fear of being labeled uninformed bigots. Seldom if ever has an ideological movement harmed so many I so short a period of time, thank you very much social media . Jennifer, keep up the good work - hope that your megaphone gets progressively louder and your influence more powerful. 👏👏👏
Thank you.
Yes, military-grade propaganda 24/7! Full-blown attack on biology. They want to plug us into Meta ASAP. Having spoken to many 'detransitioners', I know that many of them are in a very sorry psychological state. When your sexual function is destroyed at a young age - you are missing the most important motivating force in life. Many of them told me that they are waiting for advanced VR. Imaginary life in the matrix is better than real life in a butchered body.
Agh, it's so, so awful. But many are also rising out of the ashes like the mythical phoenix. Hopefully they can create a healing space for others. I just can't believe this shit.
Yes, it's totally awful! And I am glad that some are finding the strength to speak up and share their stories. I hope more of those who are still at the start of their 'gender' journey will listen to those stories because many of those kids are so indoctrinated - they refuse to even consider information outside of their point of view. It reminds me of those films from the 70s when relatives had to kidnap their kids from the cults in order to deprogram them. I think we should start organizing deprogramming camps. I am birthing a retreat for children and parents here in Mexico. An embodiment retreat with breathwork and simple activities in nature, away from technology.
That is vital, vital work. Thank you for doing that. I agree with you completely on the concept of deprogramming camps. The whole medical paradigm for this crap needs to be deconstructed. This is marketing raised to the level of cult indoctrination.
I wondered if you would mind letting me know in what area of Mexico your retreat is? I hope and intend to visit that country in the not too distant future. I tried messaging you but this didn't seem to work ('Page Not Found'); by all means if you don't wish to leave your answer here in the comments, try messaging me? Thanks!
I am located in Puerto Vallarta and at the moment I am trying to organize my first retreat in Tulum area. You can email me at drnataliavolanberg@gmail.com
Wonderful! Tulum is beautiful.
Yes, totally is! And the beautiful thing about Mexico is that it is at least 50 years behind the Anglosphere. The trans-thing did not catch on here YET. People live closer to nature and the family structure that is so central to the Mexican society has not been destroyed yet like in the West. People go fishing, hiking, swimming together and during those embodied activities one is not struggling to come up with some label to identify AS. So there is hope here and I know some families who moved to Mexico from Canada in order to save their kids from the trans-producing factory.
I am also working on my first pilot course for the parents. Email me if you are interested. I would love to have a chat. Have an amazing weekend! Aloha from Puerto Vallarta!
Many thanks, hope you're having a great weekend too. I may well be in touch.
"Many of them told me that they are waiting for advanced VR. Imaginary life in the matrix is better than real life in a butchered body".
That speaks of terrifyingly fascinating connection, one I had not considered before:
Desexed bodies are more liable to be readily lured into the 'virtual world', the 'metaverse'. ('Virtual reality" is another deliberate misnomer: it isn't reality; it has none of the virtues, or elements, that make reality what it is; and it is nowhere near being like reality, so is not "virtually' reality either).
Desexed beings, having lost a prime motivational source, are also easier to control.
Graham Linehan recently made a simlar kind of connection regarding the promotion of 'asexuality': of course, once all these people have had their sexual instinct and function destroyed, they will need an approved identity that falls under the 'rainbow' umbrella .... so now it is being sold to them.
I write this on the day the idiotically 'gender' co-opted 'Labour' (read: capital) Party seem to have been elected here in the UK (I can't bear to look at the results). (And I write also as someone who has always been on the left, at least until the left stopped listening, thinking, and knowing who and what it was, and was for). I have wept for our women and children today.
Same here. As an ex Labour member, I’m depressed, furious and terrified.
You have to channel those feelings or they will eat you up. I try to explain to people that resistance is a love story. Once you find others and organize to resist, those feelings become transformed into positive energy for change and fill you with the love of humanity and life. This is how the parents of Megan Kanka were able to move beyond their grief to action, creating Megan's law in response to the murder of their daughter by a sexual predator.
You’re right, thanks Jennifer. It’s just a bad day on Terf Island. We’ll all be fighting fit again tomorrow. 😁
Ah yes, you've just had an enormous blow - but you have KJK and she never loses, so there is that. ; )
😆 yes, she’s brilliant
I hear you. The evil forces have always been after human sexuality, the life force that drives all of us forward. And more broadly, after our health. Their intent is to damage us on all levels. Everything is poisoned = from food to our minds. I am sending you positive vibrations of support and compassion. We need to stand together for humanity. Our very survival is at stake at this point.
I think there is much truth in what you say. One problem is that many people do not believe that evil exists as a force, let alone see it at work in the world. Yet to me there clearly are forces working to attack bonds between humans, and between humans and the environment. I send you support and compassion too.
Thank you. I suppose that there is a lot to be said in terms of the existence of evil and evil forces. I am not attached to wording things in this particular way. All I can say is that there are some people who are ignorant and blind. They live in a bubble and don't know anything. I am not saying this just because =I used to deal with those people a lot, now not so much. As of now, I i have been working as a psychotherapist for about 15 years. I also worked as a teacher, volunteered on a psychological help line in Japan and worked as an interpreter for a human trafficking organization. I have substantial and varied life experience and I have seen things most people wouldn't even believe. The bottom line is that there are bad people who consciously do bad things. I don't have to call them evil, but they hurt other people on purpose. There are people and corporations who hurt people and specifically women and children and hurt them en masse - this is their business strategy. Just listened to Raymond's presentation on the 'Comfort' Women. This topic has been very close to me because I lived in Japan for 5 years and paid close attention to it. So there were thousands upon thousands of women whose lives were destroyed as they were forced into state-organized prostitution. Many of them were raped by 20 men plus per day. Was that evil? I think it's irrelevant what I call it here. The point is that there are people who conspire behind the scenes and they use other people's bodies as resources, as commodities. And this is what we are dealing with now in terms of the transgender capture.
Yes, indeed, very well put. I think w are referring to the same thing in terms of deliberate harm, whatever nomenclature is used for it.
The last 2 sentences are the saddest I’ve read, and still the followers don’t break stride.
A lot of this reminds me of several places( worlds) described in the Pendragon Series of books.
I don't know it.
It is a good versus evil fantasy series by DJ MacHale. I was specifically thinking of book 4 "The Reality Bug" where "Embark on a thrilling journey to Veelox, a territory where inhabitants have discovered a way to enter their own personal dream world. But all is not as it seems, and fifteen-year-old Bobby Pendragon must navigate this alternate reality in pursuit of the evil Saint Dane. Can he resist the ultimate escape, or will he fall prey to its lure? Find out in this action-packed adventure that explores the dangers of virtual reality."
It might seem incongruous - or maybe not - with all I write about, but I hate anything Sci-fi as a genre.
Me too, though occasionally there's a sci-fi that I like a little, for its potentially wise lessons. Mostly the Reality Bug sounds positive to me, a good young adult novel with a lesson about VR? Seems good to me. And I hope it ends well!
Mostly at my age I read or listen to non-fiction, politics, feminism, and biographies especially, and of course I read and subscribe on and off to numerous Substacks! Best wishes to all here ❤️
Jennifer, I have been subscribed to your newsletter since I heard your interview with Megyn Kelly. Your work is critically important in this age of delusion and thank you for your courage. I have tried to have conversations with family and friends about the transgender cult that go nowhere. They literally close their ears and the brainwashing is thorough and shocking. How can so many seemingly intelligent and educated adults be pulled into delusion so quickly? The misogyny of the trans movement is so obvious and yet my so-called feminist friends are buying into it.
This is a cult. The media propaganda has been relentless for a decade that this is a human rights movement for the marginalized, and in synchronicity, people are threatened with financial destitution and social isolation if they dare to step out of the boundaries of acceptable discussions about this. People's inherent compassion has been weaponized. It's not just the kids who are in the cult. My advice is to talk to people who are not captured, people who simply need information. The indoctrinated are too intractable and you will wear yourself down trying to help them understand. We need to get information out to the public who just aren't clear about the power and money behind this. Talk to your family about other things. Do not ruin relationships over this.
Jennifer, Thank you for responding to my comment. One family conversation was enough. I no longer bring it up. Same with my deluded friends. And, yes, I find comfort in conversations with like minded people. Thankfully, there are many. I'm hoping that once there are some multi-million dollar lawsuit settlements in favor of de-transitioners this madness will be curtailed. Money talks and this is all about money as you have so brilliantly illustrated.
Take solace, if you can that no one will have the luxury of avoiding the truth for much longer. This has been rolled out with enormous speed and shows no signs of abating, even with lots of resistance. Governor Pritzker just made Illinois a sanctuary state for kids to have their reproductive systems medically assaulted. That happened right after the Cass report, the WPATH files, and the Texas "gender clinic" surgeon who blew the whistle on the clinic there. People will realize their resistance will need to be a lot more forceful because those who want this ideology to be normalized are not stopping.
“So-called feminists “ is a good description. One cannot follow a misogynistic cult and claim the moniker of feminist.
I’m writing this in the UK, after waking up to the fact that the Labour Party, which is riddled with ‘gender’ insanity, has won a massive landslide, despite the efforts of so many of us to wake people up. We have made slight progress here which will now be quietly undone. I walk around every day wondering why so few people care about this issue. They’re just not interested, even if it is something they’re vaguely aware of…. just not enough to do any research or critical thinking at the very least.
Thank you Jennifer, for your work and I look forward to the film in the hopes that it makes an impact. We need something major to happen that acts as a catalyst.
When someone's income relies on them not getting it, they don't want to investigate because it will interfere with their lives. It's always been this way. We have to persevere in the face of that, because ultimately this will be what makes the difference. Stay the course. We must reclaim the future.
I agree and of course we must keep going. Children and society as a whole depend on our efforts. But I know many retired teachers, none of them is interested and I find that hard to understand or forgive. If everyone just stood up and said no, there be no threat to anyone because they couldnt cancel all of us. But thanks again Jennifer. I always recommend you when I comment on substacks. You are amazing and very much admired over here.
Possibly the clearest, most concise and most powerful summary of your discoveries yet, Jennifer. Please keep doing what you're doing, as far as you can.
Thank you!
The update to that paragraph is excellent and clear. Thanks, and you go, Jennifer!! ❤️👍
Thank YOU!
Hello Jennifer -- Just started reading this article, but quickly noticed a typo (I think) in the 7th paragraph, where it says "Women are not being erased... " Should it be "Women are being erased..." or "Women are now being erased..."? i.e. remove "not" or change to "now"? I hope this comment is okay with you. I admire you and your work so much -- not a subscriber at this time, I skip around from substack to substack to support as many as I can, based on my budget. So I'll now finish reading the article. Best wishes!
I decided to change it. I hope it's more clear. Thank you!
Oh no, I love when people let me know about typos. Except here it is not a typo. It is to read: women are not being erased for.......they are actually being erased because.......does that make sense or does it still seem off?
It still seems off!
I changed it. Let me know! Thnx.
I’m sorry, but I’m not seeing the change. Perhaps it hasn’t been posted yet?
Look again. It's there.
Sexual lobotomy. They don't want the current or future generations to reproduce naturally. Natural reproduction will be only for the 'elites'. How did we get here? Gradually and then suddenly. Ideologues like Butler have been poisoning the minds close to 3 decades at this point. Who is afraid of Gender? Who is afraid of Judith Butler? 'They' will go on unimpeded until her last breath. What's going to stop her? Prevaricating at 400 000 $ USD a year is not a bad deal. If she was an honest intellectual, she would have paused to think about being burnt in effigy in Brazil. She doesn't care. She poisoned so many minds and just like Marx was - she is a Satanist. They want to upset the natural order of things, they want to queer all the boundaries - men, women, children, adults, animals.
Yes, abducting the children and target the most vulnerable first. A bit of a story. Relevant and contemporary.
A year or so ago I was over in Broome and came across a new organisation at the Sunday Courthouse Markets. A google shows it was established late 2022 with links and funding from what used to be a highly respected Oz AIDS charity.
Now within 2 years, that org, Kimberley Blak Pride, has a high profile and links across Australia.
It was also the first time I heard the phrases "brotherboy" and sistagirl" and only in relation to indigenous people.
Down the road (in Oz miles) from me right now is the registered business address of the Australian Professional Association for Trans Health. It used to be in Melbourne. The Board was a Melbourne Psychiatrist, a QLD doctor and Michelle Telfer. They resigned after 4 years (2023) and a new board appointed comprising 9 people from all over Oz, coinciding with the change of address to Darwin.
Now a deep dive into some of the 9 is an eye opener but hey, this comment is about vulnerable children and Top End Oz has some of the most vulnerable in Australia.
The new address of AUSPATH looks like a room in a Darwin hotel about 50k's from where I am now. it's about 200m from where a flash new building is springing up as a campus within Charles Darwin University. A google doesn't make much of a connection but low and behold, AUSPATH's postal address is now a Charles Darwin University PO box number:
I may be just a lowly construction worker but something suss is happening here and there's big money involved.
It is only months ago I saw a "Sista girl", first time in 50 years of living and working amongst the indigenous that I've seen a cross dresser. Yeah maybe I've not been down Sydney bars but up here is a lot different. What looked like a young man in a dress, makeup, with a group of longrassers (rough sleepers). Yes, ganga and alcohol and hassling us whilst we were completing building repairs late at night.
Now Darwin is not Melbourne. It's hard to describe: The population of the whole of the Northern Territory is only 250,000 people with the highest proportion of indigenous people in Australia. We're fringe dwellers generally.
What the hell are Auspath doing here?
Re the link to the article on womb transplants …… there’s a glaring omission. Babies and their rights, health and development.